Handling Medical Emergencies in the Workplace


Course Description

Course Description:

Physical therapists may not be adequately prepared to handle medical emergencies that can occur in the workplace. This course is designed to provide rehabilitation and other healthcare providers with an increased understanding of how to manage medical emergencies at work. It will provide participants with an appreciation of cardiovascular emergencies, strokes, choking and respiratory emergencies, syncope, seizures, diabetic emergencies, head injuries resulting from falls, anaphylaxis, opioid crisis, life-threatening bleeding, shock, and behavioral/psychiatric emergencies and will provide strategies for how to assess and manage these medical emergencies until trained EMS personnel arrive. Emphasis is placed on current evidence-based best practice interventions related to pre-hospital emergency care.  

Contact Hours: 6
Video Course Format: Video
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Intermediate BOC Level of Difficulty: Essential